====== Remove a host that denyhosts has banned ====== **Denyhosts** is a utility that automatically bans IPs who attempt to ssh in to your server and get three wrong passwords. This is great when people are dictionary-attacking your **SSH server**, but less good when you have actual users who might get their //password wrong//. #/bin/sh REMOVE=$1 service denyhosts stop cd /var/lib/denyhosts for THISFILE in hosts hosts-restricted hosts-root hosts-valid users-hosts; do mv $THISFILE /tmp/;cat /tmp/$THISFILE | grep -v $REMOVE > $THISFILE;rm /tmp/$THISFILE; done mv /etc/hosts.deny /tmp/ cat /tmp/hosts.deny | grep -v $REMOVE > /etc/hosts.deny; rm /tmp/hosts.deny service denyhosts start Needs to run as //root//. OR #/bin/sh REMOVE=$1 service denyhosts stop cd /usr/share/denyhosts/data for THISFILE in hosts hosts-restricted hosts-root hosts-valid users-hosts; do mv $THISFILE /tmp;cat /tmp/$THISFILE | grep -v $REMOVE > $THISFILE;rm /tmp/$THISFILE; done mv /etc/hosts.deny /tmp/ cat /tmp/hosts.deny | grep -v $REMOVE > /etc/hosts.deny; rm /tmp/hosts.deny service denyhosts start Source: http://www.aquarionics.com/2009/05/13/to-remove-a-host-that-denyhosts-has-banned {{tag>Denyhosts debian secu script}}