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45 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
direct this descriptor, you just use the number: <code> # this executes the cat-command and redirects it... to the bit bucket cat some_file.txt 2>/dev/null </code> Whenever you **reference** a descriptor, to poin... e a "''&''" followed by a the descriptor number: <code> # this executes the echo-command and redirects i... ard error target echo "There was an error" 1>&2 </code> The redirection operation can be **anywhere** i
40 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
e removed before the command is called! Example: <code> ### NO NO NO: this passes three strings: ### ... MYARG="my multiword argument" command "$MYARG" </code> ===== Per-character escaping ===== Per-charact... not have a special meaning using the backslash: <code> echo \$HOME is set to \"$HOME\" </code> * ''\$HOME'' won't expand because it's not in variable-expan
33 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
ization: __Testscript__ - it just echos ''$0'': <code> #!/bin/bash echo "$0" </code> You see, ''$0'' is always set to the name the script is called with (''>'' is the prompt...): <code> > ./testscript ./testscript </code> <code> > /usr/bin/testscript /usr/bin/testscript </code> However
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
hould be irrelevant to most everyone except maybe code golfers. New scripts should never use them. None ... ession. See: [[syntax:redirection | redirection]]<code bash> $ { bash; dash </dev/fd/0; } <<<'echo foo>/dev/null&>/dev/fd/2 echo bar' foo echo bar bar</code>| |''$[EXPRESSION]'' |''<nowiki>$((EXPRESSION))<... ns such as encouraging bad practices or dangerous code. Those that are specified by POSIX may be badly d
2 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
<code> ########## # Version2 ########## #!/bin/bash for FILE in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "... -ab 320k -map_metadata 0 "${FILE%.*}.mp3"; done </code> ## links
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
l et même fichier. Comment ? Il faut utiliser le code suivant : 2>&1. Cela a pour effet de rediriger to
6 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
e number of python files and the number of python code lines in the files. We can use it like **./stat.s... We have 2 python files which contains 4 lines of code. ==== Write bashtests ==== Lets write tests. We... one test. You can write more tests if you want. <code> $ ls testsuit/ $ ./ test... PYTHON FILES: 2 PYTHON LINES: 4 </code> And run tests again: <code> $ bashtest *.basht