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5 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
will only find this method on this site and it is the most secure way to do this. SSLOptions +Stric... e non-https to HTTPS without mod_ssl! ==== NOTE:The HTTPS variable is always present,evenif mod_ssl i... ttps://%{HTTP_HOST}$1" [R=301,L] Check to see whether the HTTPS environment variable is set RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule "^(/secure/.*)" "htt
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
ire : Deny from .gov ====== Authentification par mot de passe ====== JavaScript v... lid argument: core_output_filter: writing data to the network** Apache uses the sendfile syscall on platforms where it is available in order to speed sendi... nfortunately, on some systems, Apache will detect the presence of sendfile at compile-time, even when i