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85 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
\ Redirection makes it possible to control where the output of a command goes to, and where the input of a command comes from. It's a mighty tool that, together with pipelines, makes the shell powerful. The redirection operators are checked whenever a [[syntax:g
80 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
double}} Quoting and escaping are important, as they influence the way Bash acts upon your input. There are three recognized types: * **per-character escaping** using ... '<nowiki>'stuff'</nowiki>'' All three forms have the very same purpose: **They give you general contro
106 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
positional parameters ====== ===== Intro ===== The day will come when you want to give arguments to your scripts. These arguments are known as **positional parameters*... scribed below: ^Parameter(s)^Description^ |''$0''|the first positional parameter, equivalent to ''argv[0]'' in C, see [[scripting:posparams#the_first_argument | the first argument]]| |''$FUNCNA
142 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
bsolete by some measure. A thorough discussion of the rationale is beyond the scope of this page. See the [[scripting:nonportable | portability page]] for a discussion on portabili... rated by Bash but has few if any legitimate uses. These features exist mostly for Bourne, csh, or some
9 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
The one of the simplest way to check your bash/sh scripts is run it and check it output or run it and check the result. This tutorial shows how-to use [[https://... script> #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -z "$1" ] then DIR=./ else DIR=$1 fi echo "Evaluate *.